
Thank you so much for the help you have provided to me. Your fresh ideas have given me a new look at how I can approach a business for myself. I needed someone who could relate and inspire me in my time of questioning what I wanted. You have done this for me and more. When I was doubting myself you helped me to see I can do anything. I just have to trust myself and follow through. Thank you for inspiration and understanding. Thank you

Delmetha Bishop - Aspiring Entrepreneur

Working with Paris has not only increased my confidence and made me more forward thinking. I have also seen a huge jump in my number of clients and my income. My business Good Life Organizing experienced a 25% increase in clients along with a 100% increase in profits. The numbers don’t lie. Paris is a fabulous motivator with insights and techniques that made me love my business again. Thanks, Paris

Andi Willis

How wonderful! I really love your concept! Women who realize that they need a push in the right direction will benefit from your direction

Linda Harris

A couple of questions to Paris developed into a very informative, interesting and enjoyable thirty-minute coaching session. We covered topics from working with organizing teams to helping clients across state lines. No matter how long you work in the industry, it’s good to talk with respected members in the field about new ideas and methods of handling common issues. I found that in my talk with Paris; time well spent.

Nancy Meck

Paris will give you the encouragement and the courage you need to take your business to the next level. Her no excuses methodology allows you to cut through the mental clutter and make your dreams come through, personally and professionally. Working with Paris is eye-opening and will allow you to determine exactly what you want for yourself and your business. By working through goals and how to meet them, you will be guaranteed success. Paris’ energy and enthusiasm are contagious. Through my time with Paris its hard not to get excited and motivated!

Bonnie Joy Dewkett

If you’re looking for success, Paris will guide you to maximize the potential you already carry. “Let me play the devil’s advocate,” she says as she pushes you to overcome the obstacles you may throw up as to why new ideas won’t succeed. Let’s just say Paris Love doesn’t take no for an answer.

Lea Schneider

Honestly, I was struggling. I started a small Cake Design business at the end of 2016 when I graduated college and it was rough I kept with it though and worked very hard. Earlier this year I had to come to some hard realizations about my little business. I started getting my resume out there, I thought to myself, well you have 2 degrees you should be good. Well, several months later I had no callbacks, no interviews, nothing!!! I started searching for other ways to get my resume out there and find some assistance because I was struggling and needed to work. I came across the Veteran and Military Spouse eMentor Community and thought well it cannot hurt. I reached out to a few mentors and Paris Love was the only one that responded to my request. I instantly got the impression that she really wanted to help me. I asked her for help with my resume, she was brutally honest with lots of love. We both spent a couple hours streamlining my resume and I started applying to some places the same day with the new resume. I received a callback for an interview that same day!!!! I was thrilled!!! I was offered a position on the spot working with the deaf. I am absolutely excited as I will be helping people. Honestly, I am so grateful Paris took the time to respond and her willingness to help me. Thank you, Paris!

Tameika Pinson

Paris coaching style is very structured and she provides great ideas for measuring attainable results. Paris has years of experience and her knowledge shines through in her coaching.

Veronica Tinsley

In our coaching sessions, Paris shares her wealth of experience and knowledge in a way that supports where I am while motivating me to continually expand my vision of what is possible. The Program includes receiving “tools of the trade” forms and materials that have me feeling and looking like a professional right from the start. Thank you, Paris, for your generosity of spirit and empowering coaching style!

M. Amey

Paris kept me accountable and focused on moving forward always. With sharing her various experiences, she encouraged me to seek ideas outside the box and be creative. She has given me more insight and practices to being a successful Professional Organizer business owner. The emotional work we did will be a reference tool when I hit an energy slump. We worked through business stuff as well as emotional stuff. She is honest and generous with her coaching. Her spirit and sense of humor are genuine. She can achieve any kind of life she wants and encourages others to do the same. I would recommend Paris and tell you to be upfront and honest so she can better guide you to your goals. Be open-minded to try her suggestions and listen/learn from practices she does for her business

Julie Christina

I recently received an email from Paris with a questionnaire attached. The questionnaire was structured to assist in identifying areas in your life that may be “out of balance”. In exchange for completing it, Paris offered a gift of a 90 minute session to help me align anything found to be “out of balance”. I may well have been among the first to complete and return the questionnaire and to schedule the session. I completed the session with Paris this past weekend. It was the most productive 90 minutes of “me time” I have spent in quite some time. Paris gave me insight in areas I have found to be challenging for me for a very long time. It was interesting, in that much of what she shared were things I was already aware of, and at the same time, hearing Paris articulate it, along with the ideas she shared to assist me with moving through and beyond the issues; I cannot explain how excited and empowered I feel as a result of the session. I have already gone to work, implementing much needed changes. All I can say is “every day and in every way, I am getting better and better”! Paris, thanks again!

Melanie Sahara

I participated in Paris women mastermind group to get the accountability I needed to actively grow my home based business. One of the biggest break through for me was eliminating the salary limitations I have as a result of working in corporate. In corporate America, I’m paid based on the job and not my performance. Im planning to quit my job this summer and pursue my home based business full-time. So when planning for this transition, I was thinking of how I could replace my current salary. However, as a entrepreneur, I have no salary limits. My income is based on my efforts to meet my customer needs and I am paid on how I perform. This mind shift helped me to remove earning limitations that come when working in Corporate. I was able to expand my vision and grasp the importance of multiple streams of incomes. I have been able to increase my business profits by 30% after being apart of the group.

Inga Cavitt

What you focus on expands Being a part of Paris Loves Mastermind Group was one of the best decisions I made in 2014. The group was comprised of like-minded women who were willing to be transparent with one another about their ups and downs in entrepreneurship. Each woman on the call had although an entrepreneur, came from a different background which provided an environment that was filled with wonderful perspectives from every angle.Paris sets the tone by being transparent about her own opportunities and successes when starting her business. She gives a real life example that each woman can relate to. In addition she fosters open communication where anything goes and no question is a dumb question. People often talk about support groups but this was beyond just support but Paris works hard to hold each and every woman on the call accountable for their own success and goal setting. Having the opportunity to suck up the wealth of knowledge she provides is PRICELESS. To have someone you could call within the 6 months who was going to be 100% honest with you in a constructive and supportive manner makes all the difference. Walking away with tips like how to track your money daily, how to deal with client/customer complaints, setting the bar for yourself, pricing and so much more was truly the game changer for me and my business. After participation in Paris mastermind Group my revenue has increase by 25% and my productivity is through the roof. I was able to come out of the mastermind with the confidence to go after every goal I have set for myself. Thank you Paris for your time and effort in The Mastermind Group.

Jamila GuytonOwner


Thank you so very much for sharing your time and energy with us this morning. You made a wonderful presentation! I’m so glad you were able to be with us for the first Women’s Roundtable because you set the tone for what we envisioned it to be. We appreciate you and look forward to working with you more.

Carolyn Golson

Thanks for a SUPER job. Lots of great information and it was well received by all. You are terrific!!!! Your never-ending energy and talent fascinate me…You are wonderful!

Sandy P

They LOVED you! It was great! The green pants were definitely a perfect touch! Thanks again for working with us on the fee to get you there!

Michelle Krulewicz-Dees

Paris, thank you for inviting me to be part of your recent SPARK Retreat. What an amazing experience?! Although I entered this journey with much anxiety and hesitation, I came out a completely new, revived, determined, confident, re-energized, motivated to be present, do more for myself and my well-being, and determined to succeed. Your energy is contagious! Your wisdom is unstoppable! I am committed to doing my daily Life Changing Procedures and already feel the effect it has made on me, both personally and professionally. Working with you made me uncover my full potential and transform my life in so many positive ways. I am beyond grateful to you and your talents. Thank you for being the amazing you!

Anna Shnayder

The Spark retreat did just as its name implies. It sparked a newness in me. I can truly say that I have a new way of thinking and a new attitude. I can no longer believe or feel that I am not skilled or smart enough to succeed. I have what it takes and I believe that now. Paris has shown me avenues to recondition my thinking and speak truths of my self-worth and abilities. I am a child of the King and that is clearer to me now. I thank God for using Paris as an instrument to elevate people to new heights. Because I am excited about my future and what it brings, I look forward to a more meaningful, fulfilled and prosperous way of living. Thanks, Paris for using your God-given talents to His glory and to “benefit mankind.

Mary Prince

That’s what I like about you Paris…you are just so energetic and upbeat! The best kind of energy for getting people organized and on track… Don’t forget to breatheeeeee… 😉

Shannon Presson


I absolutely love working with Paris! She is definitely the best professional organizer in the US! She helped transform my home office! My office was a complete mess. I could not even see my desk due to all of the papers and books and junk on my desk. And I was using all the space around my desk for more books, boxes, papers, and anything else I could imagine. Well, Paris came to my rescue. When she was finished doing her “organizing magic”, I could see my desk and the color of my carpet! My before and after photos are included. Paris changed my life and I continue to hire her on a regular basis for all of my organizing needs!

Nichole Anderson Harris

Paris has this unique ability to dig into piles of clutter and disorder and make sense of it. Because of her diligence, my closet space is functional and organized. It now takes me less time preparing for work in the mornings because I am able to locate articles of clothing in all three of my closets effortlessly.” “Besides the business acumen that Paris demonstrates, another very solid reason for her success as a Professional Organizer is her time management skills. She estimates what time takes to get the job done and strives to deliver the desired outcome that her client expects.” “I know that she is capable of making a personally embarrassing project turn into something great. I would highly recommend her Personal Organizing services to others because she did a great job at my home and more importantly because she deserves it.

Dena Richardson Belser

I am so grateful to Paris for helping me focus on business and attracting more business because my head is no longer cluttered. I received three new referrals in a row. I have a renewed interest in my business, and I have been a lot more focused on making it grow. I look forward to continuing to organize with Love! (literally and figuratively) If you are looking for someone who knows what she’s doing, Great at teaching and offering tips all at the same time, who will bring a great energy and spirit to the process, then I would strongly urge you to hire Paris, she is truly a Gem!

Sherese Shabazz

I would highly recommend Paris Love as an organizing consultant. She is very organized and quickly organizes one’s office. She helped me to organize my space in a matter of a few hours.” “I was very pleased since I have not been able to organize it to my liking. I learned some valuable organizing concepts.” “Paris assisted me in organizing my office. I was so pleased to locate all my books in one place, which she helped to accomplish. She taught me a filing system, which was most helpful. Paris is a true asset.

Jennifer Williams Fagbemi

Paris is a speed demon. She can do more work in 1 hour than someone else can do in 3. I highly recommend her services. —-If your place is in a state of chaos, she’ll stick with it and give you plenty of encouragement along the way to keep the chaos from recurring. —-If your life is somewhere under piles of clutter, then you MUST have Paris help you. Paris came for 1 hour on her first visit. It would have taken me weeks to have done what she did in that hour!

Diana Endo

I met Paris Love at the Alabama Shrimp Festival. Many exhibitors remain uninspired and continue just that. Here is an example of a woman who has gone far beyond and Above! Organization is her Game and wow does she deliver! Proud to have met such a go getter and inspiration. Be sure to get her newest Book!!

Andrea Derujinsky

Schedule a complimentary session so you can live an organized and clutter-free life

Schedule your Session

Phone: (770) 722-2748
Email: [email protected]