It’s time to work on your Vision. NOW, rather than later. Those who are successful throughout the year plan early. Don’t wait until things are ‘perfect.’ No more excuses.

We are opening enrollment to our NEW Productivity Bootcamp.

The cohort might be for you if:

  • You struggle with day-to-day activities
  • Your business has grown but your team hasn’t and you know you need the right people and systems in place
  • You are easily overwhelmed
  • You lack support and guidance
  • You don’t know where or how to start
  • You struggle hiring the right team
    You struggle delegating to your team
  • You’ve tried to do this yourself but haven’t been successful. Or perhaps the little wins aren’t adding up to the BIG wins you desire

I'm Ready!!!

Our coaching sessions will kickstart your journey toward having the life of your dreams! Here’s a sneak peek at what we’ll help you do

  1. Establish the vision for your life: What does your ideal life look like? How can you keep that vision alive despite obstacles? What sort of lifestyle will you have? What does success in life look like for you? We’ll examine your unique ideas and goals and help you develop a roadmap for achieving your dreams!
  2. Evaluate your life model: What does your current life model look like? Is it realistic and does it fit within your personal work style? Your life model serves as the foundation for success and its conception is a crucial first step in creating the life of your dreams!
  3. Identify self-sabotaging behaviors and establish productive new habits: You have deeply ingrained behaviors you’ve developed over time. We’ll help you assess what’s working and what’s getting in the way of you reaching your goals. Get ready—we’ll nudge you out of your comfort zone, but it will be worth it!
  4. Letting go of your “limiting beliefs”: Perhaps you think you don’t deserve success or can’t achieve it because you didn’t graduate from college, or follow a traditional path, or because you’re a minority in your chosen field. Maybe someone told you that you’d fail. The beliefs you’ve developed are rooted deeply in your past experiences, what you’ve been told, and what you’ve learned via the lens through which you view the world. And it can be downright terrifying to turn away from those beliefs and choose a new path for yourself. We’re here to guide you and help you establish healthy, positive, new beliefs to replace those old, discouraging ones!
  5. Group Coaching Sessions: Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals can be priceless. The group coaching sessions will be held twice a month honing in on your goals and making sure you meet your objectives. You also have an opportunity to learn from other individuals just like you. We have created a community of individuals who support and motivate each other.
  6. Private Facebook Group: The opportunity to share your wins and celebrations as well as surround yourself with other like-minded individuals who are ready to take their business and life to the next level. 

Our Group Sessions will leave you with

  1. Insider tips and strategies you can use now! With more than 19 years of running a successful business under our belts, we’ve developed a ton of great tips and strategies. We’ll share them with you and help you put them to good use right away! Hey, we survived two recessions and a pandemic, we know what we are talking about. 
  2. A renewed sense of empowerment and confidence. Leveraging the guidance of an experienced professional can do wonders for you if you’re feeling stagnant, fearful, or stuck. We’ll move forward with you, helping you tackle and remove obstacles so you can make real progress. Once you get started, you’ll be amazed at what you can do!
  3. A candid and objective assessment of what you need to reach your goals. We’ll look at the big picture, identifying what you need, what you have, where you want to go, and how you’ll get there. So what are you waiting for? Start on the path of doing what you love today!

Sign Up Here

Here’s how we work together

  • Assist you with clear and defined goals
  • We take a deep dive into your daily activities to see what’s working and what’s not working
  • We will personalize a plan with actionable items
  • Assist you in getting clear about your dreams and desires. No more living someone else’s dream
  • We will establish systems and processes so your buckets (marketing, mindset, talent, and operations) are in order
  • We will assist you in working your business from the top down rather than from the bottom

Group Details:

  • Group sessions are typically 90 minutes in length  
  • We meet virtually twice a month
  • Monthly implementation parties 
  • Weekly accountability check ins

I'm Ready!!!

Phone: (770) 722-2748

Email: [email protected]
